AI for Health
Artificial Intelligence has become pivotal for research and innovation in health care. An increasing number of algorithms find their way to clinical practice providing powerful solutions and assisting medical doctors in their everyday practice. We study deep-learning-based approaches in this domain and work towards novel, unbiased, and generalizable algorithms for cancer treatment and response to immunotherapy. Of particular interest are learning schemes for training on gigapixel histopathological slides, transformer-based architectures with different attention schemes for the fusion of histopathology and genetic/clinical information, and bias identification and domain adaptation methods based on the image-to-image translation and adversarial attacks for addressing domain shifts and possibly biological and clinical biases.

Alexandros Potamianos
National Technical University of Athens
Archontis Giannakidis
Nottingham Trent University

Christos Diou
Harokopio University of Athens

Efstratios Gavves
University of Amsterdam

Giorgos Papanastasiou
University of Essex

Ion (Ioannis) Androutsopoulos
Athens University of Economics and Business

Kostas Athanasakis
University of West Attica

Maria Papadopouli
University of Crete & Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)

Maria Vakalopoulou
Centrale Supélec, University Paris-Saclay

Nikos Komodakis
University of Crete

Polydoros Kampaktsis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Sophia Ananiadou
University of Manchester