Giorgos Papanastasiou
University of Essex
George Papanastasiou was Assistant Professor at the University of Essex (UK, 2020-2022) where he led the establishment of Healthcare AI group and its research strategies in the Computer Science and Electronic Engineering department. He was also Faculty Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh (UK, 2015-2020), where he led research strategies in the field of medical AI, medical informatics and medical imaging, in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. He was also Assistant Manager of the Image and Data Analysis lab in the Edinburgh Imaging department. For his research activities, he has received funding from Athersys (as PI), MRC and Hangshou City Council (co-I), EPSRC, GE Healthcare, GlaxoSmithKline (Research Fellow) and the prestigious BHF (PhD studentship). He has also been involved in the design and data analyses of several clinical studies (MEMRI, Cardiac Care, EVOLVED, PREFFIR).