Kostas Athanasakis
Assistant Professor
University of West Attica
Short Bio:
Kostas Athanasakis, an Economist by training (NKUA), is Assistant Professor in Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment at the Department of Public Health Policy of the University of West Attica (Greece) and a Member of the Laboratory for Health Technology Assessment (LabHTA). His research and teaching efforts mainly focus on Health Technology Assessment, Economic Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions, the Economics of Pharmaceutical Markets, and Pharmaceutical Policy. Other areas of interest include Health Systems Financing, Sustainability and Resilience, the Economic Analysis of Healthcare Markets, and Public Finance. Kostas has authored/co-authored over 250 full text papers and abstracts as well as 14 books, in the field of health services research, economics and policy, during the last years. He is the country lead of the Greek PHSSR study. Kostas is a Member of the the Board Committee of the Central Health Council (KESY), a Member of the National Vaccinations Committee of Greece, and a Member of the Committee of Experts on Public Health. He has also served as Chairman of the 17th and the 18th Annual European Congress of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and as Advisor to the World Bank and the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC). Kostas currently holds the position of Associate Editor of the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care (IJTAHC) (Cambridge University Press). |