Interview with Timos Sellis at Innovative Greeks
3 October 2023
Within the framework of the BSE initiative, Innovative Greeks, the Scientific Manager of the Archimedes Unit of the EP Athens Timos Sellis spoke with Markos Veremis about Artificial intelligence, data protection & the plagiarism.

Distinction in International Artificial Intelligence competition
2 October 2023
A group of students and researchers from the Department of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business and the Archimedes Unit of Athena RC won this year the first place in the international Artificial Intelligence competition "ImageCLEFmed Caption", a distinction that they have been systematically achieving for the last five years.

Data for social good: Final Event
20 July 2023

Timos Sellis and Christos Papadimitriou on Mega Stories
15 June 2023
Professors Timos Sellis and Christos H. Papadimitriou Scientific Director and Principal Scientist of the ARCHIMEDES Unit talked about AI and it's everyday applications, as well as the innovative research that takes place at Archimedes Unit of "Athena" RC on AI, Data Science and Algorithms at the...