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Artificial Intelligence
Data Science

[Archimedes NLP Theme Meeting] Scale Equivariant Graph Metanetworks -Paper presentation

2025-02-17 17:30 - 18:30
Pythagoras, Archimedes Unit
Title: Scale Equivariant Graph Metanetworks

Speaker: Giannis Kalogeropoulos, Ph.D. student of Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

Abstract: We introduce a graph metanetwork framework that allows scaling and permutation equivariant neural network processing.

This paper pertains to an emerging machine learning paradigm: learning higher- order functions, i.e. functions whose inputs are functions themselves, particularly when these inputs are Neural Networks (NNs). With the growing interest in architectures that process NNs, a recurring design principle has permeated the field: adhering to the permutation symmetries arising from the connectionist structure of NNs. However, are these the sole symmetries present in NN parameterizations? Zooming into most practical activation functions (e.g. sine, ReLU, tanh) answers this question negatively and gives rise to intriguing new symmetries, which we collectively refer to as scaling symmetries, that is, non-zero scalar multiplications and divisions of weights and biases. In this work, we propose Scale Equivariant Graph MetaNetworks - ScaleGMNs, a framework that adapts the Graph Metanetwork (message-passing) paradigm by incorporating scaling symmetries and thus rendering neuron and edge representations equivariant to valid scalings. We introduce novel building blocks, of independent technical interest, that allow for equivariance or invariance with respect to individual scalar multipliers or their product and use them in all components of ScaleGMN. Furthermore, we prove that, under certain expressivity conditions, ScaleGMN can simulate the forward and backward pass of any input feedforward neural network. Experimental results demonstrate that our method advances the state-of-the-art performance for several datasets and activation functions, highlighting the power of scaling symmetries as an inductive bias for NN processing. The source code is publicly available at

Short Bio: Giannis holds an MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, focusing on Computer Science. During his studies, he studied a lot of state-of-the-art deep learning techniques and cultivated a strong interest in Geometric Deep Learning. While working on his Diploma Thesis, he employed Graph Neural Networks and incorporated external knowledge for the multimodal task of Visual Dialog.
He has professional and research experience in studying and implementing machine learning models in a wide range of fields. Specifically, as a Machine Learning Engineer, he has worked on Natural Language Processing and Time Series Forecasting problems, employing, among others, pre-trained Language Models. Moreover, he has dove deeper into the MLOps techniques for orchestrating the whole lifecycle of an ML model. Finally, he has published and presented at an IEEE conference his work on Machine Learning and Edge Computing.

Room: Pythagoras, Archimedes Unit (1 Artemidos str., ART1 building, ground floor)
and virtually via Zoom Meetings -
Meeting ID: 978 0090 9461
Passcode: oIuc3O

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To position Greece as a leading player in AI and Data Science



To build an AI Excellence Hub in Greece where the international research community can connect, groundbreaking ideas can thrive, and the next generation of scientists emerges, shaping a brighter future for Greece and the world


Welcome to ARCHIMEDES, a vibrant research hub connecting the global AI and Data Science research community fostering groundbreaking research in Greece and beyond. Its dedicated core team, comprising lead researchers, affiliated researchers, Post-Docs, PhDs and interns, is committed to advancing basic and applied research in Artificial Intelligence and its supporting disciplines, including Algorithms, Statistics, Learning Theory, and Game Theory organized around 6 core research areas. By collaborating with Greek and Foreign Universities and Research Institutes, ARCHIMEDES disseminates its research findings fostering knowledge exchange and providing enriching opportunities for students. Leveraging AI to address real-world challenges, ARCHIMEDES promotes innovation within the Greek ecosystem and extends its societal impact. Established in January 2022, as a research unit of the Athena Research Center with support from the Committee Greece 2021, ARCHIMEDES is funded for its first four years by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).



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Archimedes Reaches Milestone of 200 Publications

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Happy International Greek Language Day!

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John von Neumann Theory Prize to Christos Papadimitriou and Mihalis Yannakakis

John von Neumann Theory Prize to Christos Papadimitriou and Mihalis Yannakakis

Computer Science Professor and Principal Scientist of ARCHIMEDES Unit of the Athena Research Center Christos Papadimitriou and Computer Science Professor and Member of the Scientific Board of ARCHIMEDES Mihalis Yannakakis received the John von Neumann Theory Prize for their research in computational complexity theory that explores the boundaries of efficiently solving decision and optimization problems crucial to operations research and management sciences.  You may read more information here.

Memorandum of Understanding with The Smile of the Child

Memorandum of Understanding with The Smile of the Child

On December 4, 2024, Professor Ioannis Emiris, Chairman of the Board and General Director of Athena Research Center, and Mr. Kostas Giannopoulos, Chairman of the Board of the Organization "The Smile of the Child," signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum outlines the establishment of a long-term partnership between the Athena Research Center and "The Smile of the Child," aiming to improve children's quality of life, raise awareness, and educate them about their rights.


The project “ARCHIMEDES Unit: Research in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Algorithms” with code OPS 5154714 is implemented by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0” and is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

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