Happy Women's Day!
8 March 2025
Happy Women's Day to the Invaluable Women of Archimedes.
Data Science
Artificial Intelligence
Archimedes NLP Theme Meeting: NLP theme round-table / flash talks, Monday 17 March, 17:30-18:30 (Greek time)
Fellows, researchers, interns, and principal investigators of the NLP Theme at Archimedes Unit are discussing their research plans. As an initiative among the different themes of Archimedes Unit; we plant to have a bunch of informal presentations (~5min. each) during which the main idea is for everyone to explain what they do, why they do it (and lose sleep trying to do it) and, if time permits, how they do it. High-level, as accessible as possible, the idea being to learn from one another, share our best practices, work together.
Flash-talk titles:
The order of presentations may differ.
Room: Amphitheater, Archimedes Unit (1 Artemidos str., ART1 building, ground floor)
and virtually via Zoom Meetings - https://zoom.us/j/97704408541?pwd=B3gO6BIzJ1PMmD916m2R1sa0CI8G08.1
Check for additional ways to participate/dial in at the bottom of the announcement.
Stay tuned!
For ways to receive news about the NLP Group and its meetings, as well as to get check the latest information about the meetings of Archimedes NLP Theme and AUEB NLP Group, check
http://nlp.cs.aueb.gr/news.html. To
subscribe to the mailing list of Archimedes NLP Theme please contact us directly! To subscribe to the mailing list of AUEB NLP Group, send a message with subject "subscribe nodigest" to
If you are an AI researcher or practitioner, please consider becoming a member of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN, http://www.eetn.gr/en/).
Dial-in information:
One tap mobile
+302311180599,,97704408541#,,,,*268567# Greece
+302111984488,,97704408541#,,,,*268567# Greece
Dial by your location
• +30 231 118 0599 Greece
• +30 211 198 4488 Greece
Meeting ID: 977 0440 8541
Passcode: 268567
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ac3hbFgiux
To position Greece as a leading player in AI and Data Science
To build an AI Excellence Hub in Greece where the international research community can connect, groundbreaking ideas can thrive, and the next generation of scientists emerges, shaping a brighter future for Greece and the world
Welcome to ARCHIMEDES, a vibrant research hub connecting the global AI and Data Science research community fostering groundbreaking research in Greece and beyond. Its dedicated core team, comprising lead researchers, affiliated researchers, Post-Docs, PhDs and interns, is committed to advancing basic and applied research in Artificial Intelligence and its supporting disciplines, including Algorithms, Statistics, Learning Theory, and Game Theory organized around 8 core research areas. By collaborating with Greek and Foreign Universities and Research Institutes, ARCHIMEDES disseminates its research findings fostering knowledge exchange and providing enriching opportunities for students. Leveraging AI to address real-world challenges, ARCHIMEDES promotes innovation within the Greek ecosystem and extends its societal impact. Established in January 2022, as a research unit of the Athena Research Center with support from the Committee Greece 2021, ARCHIMEDES is funded for its first four years by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
The project “ARCHIMEDES Unit: Research in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Algorithms” with code OPS 5154714 is implemented by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0” and is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
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