Panayiotis Tsaparas is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Ioannina. He received his Ph.D. from University of Toronto in 2003. Before joining University of Ioannina, he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at University of Rome, “La Sapienza” (2004) and at University of Helsinki (2004-2006), and as a researcher at Microsoft Research (2006-2011). His research interests include Data Mining & Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, and Algorithmic Fairness. He is a Senior ACM member., and he has served several times as a PC and Senior PC member for premier Data Mining and Data Bases conferences such as KDD, WWW, WSDM, VLDB, ICDE, and as reviewer for journals such as TKDE, TWEB, CACM, TODS, KAIS, DMKD. He is currently PC co-Chair for WSDM 2023, and an associate editor for the TKDE and OSNM journals. He has published 71 papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals, and has filed for 12 patents, 8 of which have been awarded.