Evimaria Terzi is a Professor in the Computer Science Department of Boston University (BU). She is also a founding faculty member of the Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences at BU. Before joining BU in 2009, she was a Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center. She got her PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2007 working under the supervision of Heikki Mannila. Evimaria works in the general area of algorithmic data mining with emphasis on social networks, team formation, urban informatics and recommender systems. She has received multiple NSF awards including the NSF CAREER award (2012), the Microsoft Faculty Fellowship (2010) and numerous gifts from companies such as Google, Yahoo and Nokia. In the past, Evimaria has been a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research, Sapienza University of Rome, Aalto University and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS).