Angela Ralli is Emeritus Professor of Linguistics of the University of Patras, ordinary member of the Academia Europaea, and founder of the Laboratory of Modern Greek Dialects. She received her B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Montreal, speaks fluently four languages (Greek, English, French, Italian) and has a research competence in Turkish, Spanish and German. Her main expertise area is theoretical morphology, language contact and the Greek dialectal variation. She is particularly interested in the dialects affected by Turkish and Romance. Angela Ralli has been an invited professor at numerous European and American Universities, a keynote speaker in many international conferences, and her work is cited in many influential studies. She has been awarded the Canadian Faculty Enrichment Award (1999), the Stanley J. Seeger Research Fellowship (Princeton, 2012), the VLAC Research Fellowship of the Flemish Royal Academy (2008, 2009 and 2014), the University of Diaspora Scholarship (2019, University of Cyprus).