[Archimedes NLP Theme Meeting] IEKG: A Commonsense Knowledge Graph for Idiomatic Expressions - Paper discussion
2025-03-10 17:30 - 18:30
Pythagoras, Archimedes Unit
Title: "IEKG: A Commonsense Knowledge Graph for Idiomatic Expressions" (https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.881/)
Speakers: Christina Christodoulou(PhD student of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Ioannina) and Konstantinos Kalyfommatos
Abstract: Idiomatic expression (IE) processing and comprehension have challenged pre-trained language models (PTLMs) because their meanings are non-compositional. Unlike prior works that enable IE comprehension through fine-tuning PTLMs with sentences
containing IEs, in this work, we construct IEKG, a commonsense knowledge graph for figurative interpretations of IEs. This extends the established ATOMIC2020 converting PTLMs into knowledge models (KMs) that encode and infer commonsense knowledge related to
IE use. Experiments show that various PTLMs can be converted into KMs with IEKG. We verify the quality of IEKG and the ability of the trained KMs with automatic and human evaluation. Through applications in natural language understanding, we show that a PTLM
injected with knowledge from IEKG exhibits improved IE comprehension ability and can generalize to IEs unseen during training.
Room: Pythagoras, Archimedes Unit (1 Artemidos str., ART1 building, ground floor)
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