[Archimedes NLP Group Invited Talk]Learning in Budgeted Auctions with Spacing Objectives
2025-01-22 14:30 - 16:00
Artemidos 1 - Amphitheater
Title: Learning in Budgeted Auctions with Spacing Objectives
Speaker: Giannis Fikioris (PhD Student at Cornell University, USA)
Abstract: In many repeated auction settings, participants care not only about how frequently they win but also how their winnings are distributed over time. This problem arises in various practical domains where avoiding congested demand is crucial,
such as online retail sales and compute services, as well as in advertising campaigns that require sustained visibility over time. We introduce a simple model of this phenomenon, modeling it as a budgeted auction where the value of a win is a concave function
of the time since the last win. This implies that for a given number of wins, even spacing over time is optimal. The goal is to maximize and evenly space conversions rather than just wins.
We study the optimal policies for this setting in second-price auctions and offer learning algorithms for the bidders that achieve low regret against the optimal bidding policy in a Bayesian online setting. Our main result is a computationally efficient online
learning algorithm that achieves O(sqrt(T)) regret. We achieve this by showing that an infinite-horizon Markov decision process (MDP) with the budget constraint in expectation is essentially equivalent to our problem, even when limiting that MDP to a very
small number of states. The algorithm achieves low regret by learning a bidding policy that chooses bids as a function of the context and the system's state, which will be the time elapsed since the last win (or conversion).
Short Bio: Giannis Fikioris is a 5th-year PhD student in the department of Computer Science at Cornell University, advised by Eva Tardos. Before that, he got his diploma
from NTUA, advised by Dimitris Fotakis. His interests include mainly Algorithmic Game Theory and Online Learning. Specifically, he has worked on Online Learning with Constraints, Online Resource Allocation, and Repeated Budgeted Auctions. His PhD has been
supported by the NDSEG fellowship, the Onassis Scholarship, and the Google PhD fellowship.
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